Improvements to Virtual Student Computing Lab | Information Technology | University of Pittsburgh

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Improvements to Virtual Student Computing Lab

Thursday, August 24, 2023 - 13:35


The Pitt IT Virtual Student Computing Lab — used for accessing lab software and resources remotely, as well as in physical Pitt IT Student Computing Lab locations on campus — has been improved with a persistent user profile. This feature loads personalized settings, application preferences, and data associated with the user’s account for a consistent and personalized computing experience every time they log in. Regardless of where or how they access the Virtual Student Computing Lab, students will experience faster log-in times, reduced time for OneDrive synchronization, and saved application settings across sessions.

No additional steps are required. The profile is created when a user logs in to the Virtual Student Computing Lab for the first time and remains for the duration of each semester.

Please contact the Technology Help Desk at +1-412-624-HELP (4357) if you have any questions regarding this announcement.