Downloading Academic Courseware for Faculty


All eligible teaching faculty can download more than 75 academic courseware titles from the Software Download Service via My Pitt (

In order to access academic courseware, faculty members need to install a program called KeyAccess (also available from the Software Download Service).  The KeyAccess client allows your computer to access the licenses that are needed to run these software applications. You will see a notification for software programs that require KeyAccess. You only need to install KeyAccess once.



Three Easy Steps to Get Started:

  1. Log into the Software Download Service and search for KeyAccess.
    Note: The Software Download Service uses Pitt Passport single sign-on for multifactor authentication.
  2. Select a Windows, Mac, or Linux result, then click Download.
    Note: For additional instructions, click the + symbol next to Installation Instructions.
  3. Search for and download an additional software title. Key Access lets you run academic courseware titles.

Check Out Software and Work Offline

KeyCheckout, a feature of KeyAccess, offers faculty the ability to check out licenses to use certain software programs on their computer locally without the need to be online. 

The software license may be checked out from one day to a maximum time of five weeks. This program is ideal for faculty members who travel or want to work from home without being online.


You must be connected to a campus PittNet Ethernet port, PittNet Wi-Fi, or PittNet VPN (GlobalProtect) in Network Connect mode to run KeyAccess or check out a license via KeyCheckout. Your operating system must also be correctly configured for TCP/IP network connectivity.

Detailed Help

Using the Software Download Service

Using KeyAccess for Windows
Using KeyAccess for macOS


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SOFTWARE AND APPLICATIONS DISTRIBUTION Pitt IT provides a wide variety of software titles through the University's agreements with software vendors.

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