Before, During, and After Migration Your Box Migration


If you do not use Box to store or share files, then you do not need to take any action. However, we encourage you to consider the benefits of cloud storage and visit our Getting the Most from OneDrive page to learn more about what the cloud can do for you.

If you do use Box, read on to learn what to expect before, during, and after the migration. Below is a high-level migration timeline:

Phase Timing Description Actions
1. Preparation Two weeks before migration until migration date You are notified of your Box migration date (two weeks prior to migration). Complete the pre-migration steps below.
2. Migration Day of migration You are notified when your migration begins. Depending upon how much data you have stored in Box, your migration could take hours, a single day, or more than a week. Avoid making changes to your Box files. Once your migration begins, you will no longer be able to edit your Box files or upload new files. You may still view and download them. 
3. Adoption Immediately after migration You are notified when your migration is complete and your Box data has been successfully copied to OneDrive.   Complete the post-migration steps below.


1. Before Migration
2. During Migration
3. After Migration
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