Pitt Passport is the University’s single sign-on service, where logging in once grants you access to a variety of web-based services such as My Pitt, the Learning Management System (Canvas), the Student Information System (PeopleSoft), Pitt Worx, PRISM, Talent Center, and many others. Pitt Passport delivers a consistent, trusted login experience across a range of University services.
All services configured to work with Pitt Passport access begin by redirecting you to the passport.pitt.edu login page (see image below). After you’ve logged into Pitt Passport once, this step won’t be necessary for other connected services during that session.

One of the main sites to log into, that will give you access to a plethora of other sites, is the main Pitt Portal at https://my.pitt.edu. Select Sign In towards the top right, and once you go through the Pitt Passport sign in, you can access any site you can find a tile for.
Tip: Have a list of sites you log into daily? Select the heart icon on their tile, and they'll appear in your My Favorites section every time you log in!
Forgot Password?
By selecting the Forgot Password link, students, faculty, and staff who forget their University Computing Account password can use the Self-Service Password Reset Service to reset their password online quickly and securely.
Note: You MUST select and answer three online security questions in order to verify your identity before you can use the Self-Service Password Reset Service.
If you forget your password and have not set your security questions, you will need to either contact our Technology Help Desk or visit a Student Computing Lab to have your password reset. You must verify your identity by bringing a government-issued ID, like a driver's license or passport.
Need Help?
Learn more about Multifactor Authentication at Pitt or How to Reset Your Password Online. If you have reached this page and need further assistance, have questions or problems, please contact the Technology Help Desk via email at helpdesk@pitt.edu or by phone at 412-624-HELP (4357).
Pitt Passport Benefits
Pitt Passport provides the University community with a number of benefits including:
- Consistent, trusted login experience: When Pitt Passport is fully implemented, you will see the same login page no matter what service you access. You can easily verify that the login page is safe by confirming the address in your browser begins with passport.pitt.edu.
- Enhanced security with multifactor authentication: Multifactor authentication adds an another layer of security to Pitt Passport. Multifactor authentication means that to log in to a service, you will need two “factors:” something you know (like your password) and something you have (like a mobile phone on which you will receive a login confirmation notice).
- Ability to review your login history: Pitt Passport also enables you to see exactly when your username and password were used to access specific University services. If you notice a discrepancy (for example, a login that occurred while you were not using a service), you can report it immediately. See the section below for details.
View Pitt Passport Login History
One of the benefits of Pitt Passport is that it allows you to view your login history. Your login history represents every occasion when your username and password were used to access specific University services.
If you notice a discrepancy (for example, a login that occurred while you were not using a service), you can select the Report an issue link to notify the Help Desk.
To view your login history, complete these steps:
1. Log in to accounts.pitt.edu with your University Computing Account username and password.
2. Select Login & Security, then select View Pitt Passport Login History.

There are three ways to view your login history: chronologically, by IP address, or by service:
- Full Login History
This tab displays a chronological history of your logins.
- Select a column header to sort logins by that column.
- You can filter the listing to view when your username and password were used to log in to a service from outside the University's network (for example, from a coffee shop or a house). Select the box next to Hide Pitt IP Address Logins. This option helps you quickly review logins that occurred from devices that were not connected to the University's network.
- If you find any logins that seem suspicious, click the Report link.
- You can Select the Download link to download a spreadsheet of your login history in .csv (comma-separated value) format.

- IP Login History
This tab allows you to view logins that are grouped by IP address. An IP address is a unique address assigned to a specific computer or mobile device. This tab makes it easy to review what logins were made from specific devices. If you find any logins that seem suspicious, click the Report link.

- Service Login History
This tab allows you to view logins that are grouped by University services. It makes it easy to review every time you logged in to a specific service. If you find any logins that seem suspicious, click the Report link.
Note: Services that have not yet been registered with University may display a number instead of a name in the Services column. The service name will appear once the service has been registered.
Configuring Department Services to Use Pitt Passport
Services hosted by departments or cloud-based services offered by departments can be configured to use Pitt Passport to enable access. More information on using Pitt Passport for a hosted or cloud service is accessible here.