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6 Essential IT Tools for Researchers

Advances in research computing have propelled Pitt to the forefront of research, with the University ranking third nationally in NIH funding in FY23. Researchers utilize robust technology to collect, store, and analyze data; document and manage lab processes; and work with collaborators. Pitt IT supports the work of researchers, so they can focus on doing what they do best: making the University of Pittsburgh one of the top research institutions in the world! Here are the top six tools researchers at Pitt can start using today.

Summer Teaching with Pitt IT

The spring semester has ended, and for many students and instructors, that means a well-earned break from classroom activity. For others, the summer term is just gearing up. In fact, between all the summer sessions, Pitt offers more classes in the summer than during the fall or spring semester! Because summer courses are often condensed, the course structure and content may be different than in a full-semester class. Having all your tech ducks in a row is important for ensuring a good learning and teaching environment.

Embrace the Heat: Summer Classes at Pitt

As the temperature rises and the days stretch longer, many students are gearing up for a well-deserved break from the school year. But for those who crave intellectual stimulation and want to get ahead in their studies, summer classes at the University of Pittsburgh offer the perfect opportunity to stay engaged and make progress toward their academic goals.

Tech Tips for Acing Finals

Finals week. A rollercoaster of cramming, all-night study sessions, and an alarming spike in caffeine consumption. It doesn’t have to be that bad. Students can prepare for the final stretch using an array of cutting-edge technological resources that can greatly enhance your efficiency and effectiveness. So stop worrying and start preparing!

The Ultimate IT Graduation Checklist for Pitt

Hey there, soon-to-be Pitt graduates. Congratulations on reaching this pivotal milestone in your academic journey! As you prepare to bid farewell to the University of Pittsburgh, it’s time to wrap up some tech items before you go. So, before you toss that cap into the air, here's your essential IT checklist to help you seamlessly transition from Pitt to the future that awaits you!

Blog from Abroad: Capture Memories with Great Photos

Hi everyone! Brandon here, one of your Tech Ambassadors, to give you more tips I’ve learned while studying in Spain. I have had so many amazing experiences in Barcelona this term, and I’m recording each one! Whether you are traveling someplace new or living your best life in the ‘Burgh, I cannot stress enough the importance of capturing the moment. (Especially for you seniors getting ready to graduate and move onto new adventures!) Photography has always been an interest of mine, and it’s only grown now that I’m traveling in Europe.

Do a Digital Spring Cleaning

Digitization has transformed the modern world, and the amount of data generated each year is expanding exponentially. About 99% of all existing data was created in just the last decade. Taking control of your data, devices, and online presence has far-ranging implications for you, the University, and the environment. It helps to reduce pollution, mitigates security risks, reduces storage costs, prolongs device lifespan, and simplifies finding and sharing information.

8 Ways Gen Z Uses Tech at Pitt

Gen Z is weaving a complex and dynamic tapestry of technology use that looks quite different than those who came before us. While older generations might see us as the “smartphone generation,” there’s so much more to our digital world than meets the eye. So, buckle up as we take you on a journey into the tech-savvy minds of Gen Z and what we wish you knew about our relationship with technology.