On July 1, the Pitt IT Software Store in PantherExpress — used for departmental software purchases — will be upgraded with improvements to software searching and purchasing. Pitt Information Technology will contact purchasers in your department who use the Pitt IT Software Store about the following enhancements that are designed to improve and streamline their user experience.
Immediate Downloads Through Software.Pitt.Edu
- Purchasers save time and effort with a new bulk-upload feature to enter up to 150 usernames per order.
- Users now have full self-service to download Pitt IT Software Store purchases from a single location containing all software titles: software.pitt.edu.
- Faster software availability for users that takes less than an hour to complete after an order is placed.
Note: Software is only available to the usernames provided at the time of purchase. For assistance gathering username information, use find.pitt.edu or contact the Technology Help Desk.
New License Renewal Features
- The new Software Store provides purchasers with order histories and a convenient “reorder” option to place renewals.
- Beginning January 2024, purchasers will receive automatic renewal notices from the store three months before software licenses expire.
Note: Any users whose license is not renewed will automatically have their access removed on the software’s expiration date; no further action is needed.
Enhanced Shopping Navigation
- A revised and streamlined product catalog, as well as new search and filtering options make it easier for purchasers to find what they are looking for.
- With the exception of VMware, it is no longer necessary to choose between licenses and renewals!
Please contact the Technology Help Desk at +1-412-624-HELP (4357) if you have any questions regarding this announcement.