If your department uses Pitt Information Technology’s Web Proxy service (access.cssd.pitt.edu) ― which some units adopted to allow individuals to reach internet resources from within their department's network ― please be advised that Pitt IT is upgrading to a new proxy service that will require the following settings effective Monday, April 25:
Previous Settings
- Address: access.cssd.pitt.edu
- Port: 80/443
New Settings
- Address: proxy.it.pitt.edu
- Port: 8080
To determine whether you are using the Web Proxy service, open your Control Panel, select Internet Options, select the Connections tab, and click LAN settings. If the “Use a proxy server…” box is checked, update your Address and Port settings. If the “Use a proxy server…” box is unchecked and the proxy area is grayed out, no action is needed.
Pitt IT has already been working to identify and contact departments with individuals who may be using the Web Proxy service. We appreciate your help in raising awareness about this change.
Please contact the Technology Help Desk at 412-624-HELP (4357) if you have any questions regarding this announcement.