No Service Disruption During Pitt Wi-Fi Certificate Renewal on May 28 | Information Technology | University of Pittsburgh

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No Service Disruption During Pitt Wi-Fi Certificate Renewal on May 28

Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 11:39


Pitt Information Technology will update the University’s Wi-Fi certificate at 9 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28, as part of our required annual renewal process to maintain security.

Wi-Fi services will remain uninterrupted during the renewal. However, students, faculty, and staff may be prompted to trust or accept the renewed certificate the first time that they connect to Pitt Wi-Fi after May 28. Trusting the certificate is required to securely access Pitt Wi-Fi services.

Please submit a request to the Technology Help Desk or call +1- 412-624-HELP (4357) if you experience issues related to this change.