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IT Support for Nontraditional Classes
Tuesday, August 1, 2023 - 16:36

The University supports nontraditional classrooms as a creative way to bring a unique perspective to coursework and enable students to apply different skill sets to achieve academic success. Pitt IT offers all the tech tools that professors need to support nontraditional teaching styles and nontraditional students, inside and outside of the classroom.
Computing Lab Classrooms
Not every class needs to be in a traditional room, and this is especially true when your class, or a portion of it, requires that students all be online at the same time. Computing Lab Classrooms can be reserved for an entire semester or for a single class. Reserving these rooms can aid professors in teaching classes that involve programming, database setup and managements, and other computing and information science courses, as well as in non-tech classes that ask students to utilize tech resources. For example, a psychology class might reserve a classroom so students can look at various social media sites to explore issues impacting well-being, or a filmmaking class might utilize the lab to learn video editing techniques. A Computing Lab Classroom can be especially helpful for students that do not have access to a personal laptop to access tech resources inside a traditional classroom.
Electonic Research Notebooks (LabArchives)
If you haven’t read our recent blog post about the wonders of LabArchives Student Notebooks, check it out! LabArchives is the essential tool for taking your research classes to the next level by digitizing research practices, giving assignments, and providing feedback. It helps to create a more immersive learning environment for students doing lab work. An added benefit of LabArchives is the professor’s ability to view students electronic research notebooks to ensure that they’re on track. All students, traditional and nontraditional, sometimes struggle with asking for help in front of others and this tool takes that out of the equation.
Lecture Capture (Panopto)
Panopto is the perfect tool for prerecording lectures to facilitate flipped classes, where students watch the lecture before class and then discuss it or do problems that apply the concepts in class. Prerecorded lectures are also necessary for asynchronous classes with nontraditional students. You can also record a summary of a class so students can review the material if they struggled to grasp it the first time. Regardless of the class structure, prerecorded lectures are always a benefit for students. An added perk of Panopto is its transcription tools that inserts captions. There are even transcription services that are are ADA compliant.
Learning Management System (Canvas)
Every class needs a Canvas page for students to access course resources, assignments, grades, and everything in between. Nontraditional and new students may be unfamiliar with Canvas at the start of the school year, so it’s important that it be well organized and easy to use. Students can be directed to the Technology Help Desk for dealing with user issues, but Pitt IT recommends that you spend a portion of your first class to show and discuss your Canvas class, and showing them what’s where.
Outdoor Spaces with Wi-Fi
Every classroom needs Wi-Fi, so students can connect their laptops to take notes. But enjoying the nice weather while also learning fascinating material feels like a double reward. It can be an invigorating change of pace for a class that needs a little extra pep. Pitt’s campus is equipped with multiple areas that guarantee a strong connection. Teach a class on the Cathy lawn or grab some seats at the tables outside Hillman Library. Find a full list of outdoor Wi-Fi spots here.
Software Requests
Do you need special software for one of your classes that’s not already equipped on the computers in the Pitt IT Student Computing Labs? Just request that Pitt IT add it to the lab machines! Make sure not to wait until the last minute, as it will take some time to get it onto computers. The software will not be loaded onto every computer permanently; instead, there will be a specific number of copies available based on the class size.
You may be tempted to ask students to just download an app onto their personal machine (especially if it’s available free). But you shouldn’t assume every student has a device capable of downloading and running new software … or that they have a personal device at all. Some students may have older PC, little storage space, or an incompatible device, while others may rely primarily on the Labs for computing.
Azure Lab Services
Azure Labs Services allows instructors to build their own customized, cloud-based computing environment that students can work directly in and make changes to. Azure Labs is free for instructors teaching computer programming, data science, cybersecurity, information science, web design, and systems administrations courses. To learn more about Azure Lab Services and how it came to Pitt, as well as a few tips to get you started, read more on our blog.
Break Free from Tradition
Incorporating new technology to enhance your teaching model can make learning more engaging, give students hands-on practice, and challenge students to think and learn differently. Pitt IT is here to make sure the University, our faculty, and our students always come out on top.