Pitt IT's Community Impact | Information Technology | University of Pittsburgh

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Pitt IT's Community Impact


In addition to Pitt IT’s efforts around digital equity, we are also working to address digital well-being concerns in the community, provide opportunities for our neurodiverse neighbors, and support minority entrepreneurs.

Assisting African American Entrepreneurs

The biggest obstacle to launching a business can sometimes be not knowing where to start. Pitt IT met with representatives from Own Our Own, a business incubator and accelerator located in Homewood that equips African American and other minority entrepreneurs with educational, financial, and relational resources to start businesses, build wealth, create jobs, and transform communities. Pitt IT will provide wireless connectivity for Own Our Own staff and client entrepreneurs.

Enhancing Workforce Diversity

Enhancing the diversity of our workforce strengthens the Pitt community and improves the lives of our neighbors. Pitt IT renewed its commitment to this goal by extending its contract with CAI Neurodiverse Solutions (formerly Autism2Work) through September 2023 (see next page). This allows time to evaluate potential long-term options for engaging the neurodiverse team members currently providing test automation services for Pitt IT.

Fostering Digital Wellbeing

Pitt IT will teach a three-day camp for middle school students at the Hill District Community Engagement Center. The program will focus on safely navigating the digital world, combating misinformation and cyberbullying, as well as protecting privacy on social media. This program aims to address issues of mental and physical wellness and provide an introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

“The Digital Wellbeing crash course was a highlight of the summer. Joe and Jay are dynamic instructors and the way they challenged students to be thoughtful about the ways they engage online had an impact ... this program gives students the information and tools that will be essential in their lives so they can navigate the internet sphere more consciously.”

- Marlo Hall, Outreach Coordinator, Hill District Community Engagement Center

Hosting Air Force Association Cybercamp

""Pitt IT partners with Pitt Cyber each year to host the Air Force Association’s CyberCamp. This weeklong event teaches students in grades 9 through 12 digital literacy, online awareness, systems security, and cyber ethics. Students learn in-demand skills ― like cyber hygiene, Windows and Linux system administration, and more ― that help them to build a foundation for a potential career in cybersecurity.

“Pitt IT is an essential partner to Pitt Cyber’s annual CyberCamp. With Pitt IT, we have served well over 1,000 high school students in our region … Pitt IT’s computer labs host our students. And Pitt IT provides thought leadership and enthusiasm that helps ensure our camp gives students an extraordinary experience year-after-year.”

- Beth Schwanke, Executive Director, Pitt Cyber