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Panther Bytes Blog

August 29, 2022

Image of WordPerfect 6 from early 1990sTechnology gets smarter and more intuitive with every passing year. If you have no memory of slogging your way through a word processing program that looked like this (right), then consider yourself lucky.

Campus IT Resources Map
August 24, 2022

Welcome (back) to campus, Panthers! When you were considering Pitt, many of you took a guided tour of the campus. During Welcome Week, you’ll be exploring your new home for the next four years, figuring out where to eat, where your classes are, and where the fun stuff takes place.

August 17, 2022

Attending Pitt gives you many advantages: a world-class education, exceptional research opportunities, a supportive environment, and a global network of Panther alumni. Pitt IT is here to support that mission with some great benefits of their own. Get all these awesome IT perks to enhance your Pitt experience.

August 09, 2022

Many universities use the term “arrival survival” to describe the return to campus. Though with a little planning, there’s no need for survival techniques to make your move-in seamless. Here are a few key IT tasks to complete before or shortly after you arrive to make sure you get connected and stay in the know.

July 27, 2022

Putting together an exceptional course is not easy. As you put together your syllabus or Canvas site for your exceptional fall classes, remember to include information about applicable technology resources available to your students. Consider the following suggestions from Pitt Information Technology:

July 22, 2022

One of the more common questions Pitt Information Technology fields is how to create a registration page for an online event or webinar, instead of manually inviting specific people via a meeting invite.

July 14, 2022

A Conversation with CIO Mark Henderson

June 23, 2022

Technology never stands still, and neither does Pitt IT. Behind the scenes, the department is continuously replacing and upgrading infrastructure, hardware, and systems to ensure that the University is operating on the most up-to-date and secure technologies. Here's a rundown of some of the IT projects from the first half of 2022:

June 15, 2022

With the first day of summer just around the corner, you may be preparing to take a much-needed vacation. But completely disconnecting from work isn’t easy. In a 2022 poll by Qualtrics, nearly 50% of workers reported working at least an hour a day while on vacation, with about a quarter of respondents working at least 3 hours daily.

May 11, 2022

With many students taking the summer term off, most faculty having a lighter teaching schedule, and some departments enjoying a less structured schedule, the next few months give many students, staff, and faculty a perfect opportunity to engage in personal learning and professional development.

Spring on campus
April 21, 2022

From studying for final exams to writing term papers and capstone projects, the last week of the term is always a whirlwind. Knowing how to use the technology tools available to you can help you power through the final push of the semester so you can finish strong. Here’s what you need to know.

April 06, 2022

It’s hard to believe there are only few weeks left in the spring semester. Time flies when you’re having fun and staying busy! We here at Pitt IT wish everyone luck as they hand in their final assignments and tackle upcoming deadlines.

March 30, 2022

When Microsoft Word was released, it made word processing easy. Now, most people can do basic formatting without a thought. If you aren’t a designer, editor, or creator of specialized documents, you have little need for the most advanced capabilities. But there are several lesser-known features that are life-savers in the right circumstances.

March 18, 2022

With the majority of us walking around with smartphones in our pockets, it’s easy to forget that the first personal computer (the MITS Altair) wasn’t developed until 1974 and that they didn’t start to catch on until 1977 with the release of the Apple, TRS-80, and Commodore Model 1.

Lab management image
March 09, 2022

Running a lab requires a diverse set of skills that go beyond mastery of the subject matter and designing a study. Data management, inventory management, and space/equipment scheduling are important, too. In the past, researchers used everything from sign-up sheets and inventory logs, to reems of notebooks and individual PCs to keep track of everything.